
Advanced SEO CMS that can be used right out of the box.



Why use SeoToaster?

seotoaster eway logo

SEOTOASTER is the most advanced SEO CMS that can be used right out of the box. SEOTOASTER features a uniquely intuitive content management system interface, combined with powerful automated organic search engine marketing. It is an open source CMS that is customisable at will and available for download free of charge.

SEOTOASTER is easy to use, and features complete front-end edit as you surf your website content addition and even administration. It is also remarkably fast to design or import existing websites to SEOTOASTER thanks to the use of standards: only four HTML and two CSS templates are required to build a complete theme, and it ships with a set of pre-built themes ready to power your next project.

Finally, SEOTOASTER is ideal for the owners of multiple websites, as it boasts a unique architecture that grows with your business and makes piloting SEO execution and marketing for multiple websites from a central automated web marketing location possible with an optional paid-for subscription to SEO Samba.

SeoToaster installation guide

  1. When the plugin is installed go to eWAY menu in the admin panel
  2. Enter your eWAY Customer Id
  3. Click Save
  4. Finally insert the shortcode {$plugin:eway:creditcard} into static container or into the template html.